I have not always been what I would politely describe as “fluffy”, but the stress of running my own business and trying to eat when I had the time or not eating at all because I couldn’t fit it in, had definitely taken the toll on my body these last few years. I found that at the end of the day, by the time I got home I was ravenous and then it didn’t matter what I ate, I just ate. And a lot of it.
I had ballooned and gained 60 pounds. I didn’t realize it until my husband took a full body picture of me last summer, that I had gotten as big as I had. I tried other diets but diets are temporary. I needed a drastic lifestyle change. One that would allow me to remain at a level, healthy weight for the long term. I had tried to “diet” and successfully lost about 18 pounds on my own, but I knew that it would soon return.
So, I contacted Cindi to attend one of her Ideal Protein “taste tests” to figure out if she could help me lose the addition 40+ pounds I wanted to be rid of. I started the program pretty quickly after that. With Cindi’s guidance, encouragement and weekly check ins to hold me accountable, I hit my goal weight, I’ve learned that it is important to eat a balanced diet, to eat on a regular basis, to drink plenty of water.
I weigh less now than I did on my wedding day 12 years ago and I feel so much better physically. I’m so pleased with the results and I couldn’t have done it without Cindi and Ideally You!
See more Ideal Protein Success Stories!